Audit, Assurance & Risk

Audit, Assurance & Risk

As Statutory Auditor, our team is responsible for verifying the truthfulness and correctness of the items in a separate or consolidated financial statements for legal purposes.

Organisations must understand and manage risk and seek an appropriate balance between risk and opportunities. Audit and Assurance services strengthen the transparency and credibility of companies, have the aim of providing comfort to both financial and non-financial information and represent an element of qualified and guaranteed communication towards stakeholders.

We work with our clients to assess their corporate level risk, identify areas of greatest risk and develop appropriate work plans and audit programmes to mitigate these risks. Our ultimate goal is to create value for the customer and for its stakeholders, increasing the reputational advantage and the trust rewarded by the markets.

In addition, our office deals with the non-financial reporting to allow the understanding of the business activity, its performance, its results and the impact of the product itself by describing the issues relating to sustainability, such as the environment, employees, human rights, the fight against corruption and Governance.

Principal activities are:

- Statutory audit pursuant to Legislative Decree 39 of financial statements and consolidated financial statements
- Voluntary review of financial statements, interim and half-yearly accounting situations for internal and external information purposes
- Limited audits focused on specific balance sheet items
- Assistance to the Boards of Statutory Auditors in the event of their assumption of the statutory audit assignment pursuant to Article 14 of Legislative Decree 39
- Periodic checks on the regular keeping of the social accounts
- Fairness opinions in exchange ratios or issue prices of new shares with the exclusion of the option right
- Management control through the study and evaluation of the internal control system
- Accounting audits and monitoring of projects financed / incentivized with public funds
- Risk Management to identify, analyse, monitor and manage potential risks for the company
- Organizational Model 231/01 and ANAC compliance
- Balance Sheet analysis: determination and analysis of economic, equity and financial ratios
- IAS/IFRS transition advisory
- Internal Audit and Verification of compliance of company procedures and / or conduct with specific laws, regulations or at the request of the supervisory authority
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ESG impacts and rating advisory
- Personal Data protection in compliance with the recently issued EU Regulation 2016/79.