Advisory & Consulting

Advisory & Consulting


Corporate advisory is an essential and complex activity that allows for constant in-depth analysis with the Client, in order to assist him in strategic choices. We offer an unique know-how on topics such as M&A and Corporate Finance, Risk Consulting, Strategy and IT Transformation, Operations, Internationalization.

Our firm, specialized in Corporate Law, professionally deals with identifying the potential and criticalities of the activity undertaken. We start from the past and identify guidelines for a future in uncertain contexts and markets, assisting the customer in all the steps of the restructuring process and company evaluation.

We support companies in the decision-making processes related to the start of a new project, the increase in profitability and crisis situations by providing tailor-made solutions in terms of: planning, cost containment, performance improvement, revenue increase, efficiency processes.

Principal activities are:

- Preparation and assistance in the establishment of a company: choice of the appropriate legal structure, drafting of the articles of association and the bylaws in compliance with organizational and governance needs, completion of the acts necessary for the establishment
- Advice and assistance to partners in corporate relations
- Advice and assistance at the meetings of the boards of directors and ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meetings and carrying out the necessary formalities
- Keeping and editing of corporate books
- Strategic advice in identifying growth opportunities through expansion or entry into new markets and the introduction of new products or services, planning possible future scenarios
- Business performance improvement by identifying the causes of poor performance and helping to implement specific solutions
- Corporate Governance
- Advice and assistance in corporate transactions: capital increases and reductions, transformations, acquisitions, mergers, demergers, transfers and liquidations of assets and companies to both buyers and sellers from the initial strategic assessment and deal structuring phase, to due diligence, the preparation of the offer, the negotiation and contracting phases and the management of the activities, at the closing
- Transfer / acquisition of shares or stakes: Definition of the best ways to dispose of the business or search for a partner. Preparation of the necessary documentation to present the investment opportunity (Information Memorandum, blind profile, etc.) and activation of contacts with potential buyers / partners
- Exit strategies: Voluntary liquidation procedures
- Domiciliation of companies
- Appraisals and company appraisals
- Restructuring: Provides assistance in the context of corporate and organizational restructuring plans Crisis management and corporate restructuring (ref. Bankruptcy Law). defining the action plan and evaluating the prospective profitability of the company following the proposed interventions. We proceed to verify the economic and financial sustainability of the restructuring plan (analysis of the reasonableness of the business plan assumptions, debt advisory)
- Corporate insolvency: Assumption of positions as statutory auditor and auditor
- Assumption of positions as director and liquidator.


Our office deals with Fund Raising. We can help management teams, corporate and private shareholders raise private equity and / or debt finance to support growth, release value or refinance.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are companies whose size falls within certain pre-established employment and financial limits. For this reason, and also due to the objective difficulties of attracting capital, States and Regions usually implement supportive policies.

In this context, the European Union plays a fundamental role, providing funding for a wide range of projects and programs in the most diverse sectors, assisting young people in the entry into entrepreneurial activity, i.e. all farmers, who assume the right to payments. direct income support in exchange for ecological agricultural practices (conservation of permanent meadows, crop diversification, etc.) in order to encourage the development of new techniques and modernize their farms to improve the standard of living in rural areas, creating jobs work and providing basic services.

Over 76% of the EU budget is managed in collaboration with national and regional administrations with a "shared management" system, essentially through five large funds: (so-called Structural and Investment Funds) which help to implement the Europe 2020 strategy:

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - regional and urban development
European Social Fund (EDF) - social inclusion and good governance
Cohesion Fund (CF) - economic convergence of less developed regions
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

Funds are managed under strict rules to ensure that their use is closely monitored and that they are spent transparently and responsibly.

Dr. Umberto Feroce is authorized to perform this role as a territorial Operator in auxiliary and monitoring services for Micro-credit, registered under no. 92 of the list in the ENTE NAZIONALE per il MICROCREDITO, a non-economic public body that exercises important functions in the field of microcredit and microfinance, nationally and internationally. Particularly:

- Promotion, guidance, facilitation, evaluation and monitoring of microfinance instruments promoted by the European Union and microfinance activities carried out using EU funds
- Monitoring and evaluation of Italian micro-credit and microfinance initiatives
- Promotion and support of microcredit and microfinance programs for the economic and social development of the country, as well as for developing countries and economies in transition

The accountant plays a leading role in helping SMEs to access European financing more easily and safely: he assists the entrepreneur, providing information for EU calls and funds or for the development of projects, as well as advising on reporting and reporting. control of the contributions received.

Principal activities are:

- Collection and Analysis of the client's requests regarding the idea of start-up or company reorganization, providing all the information necessary to access the financing (participation requirements, opening and closing of the call for tenders, admitted expenses, the type of incentive granted, etc.)
- Evaluation of the development prospects of the nascent company through the drafting of a Business Plan
- Collection of tax and sector information that can be applied to the client company in order to identify the most suitable fiscal-fiscal, organizational and legal conditions for the client
- Elaboration of the tax, organizational and legal structure proposal adapted to the specific situation
- Execution of the treatment of social security operations
- Completion of the necessary administrative formalities