Accounting & Tax

Accounting & Tax

Our professionals offer services across all accounting and tax disciplines. Growing businesses need strong tax management to meet current and future tax liabilities by optimizing costs of accounting procedures.

Accounting is the company system for the continuous detection of any event that has an economic relevance. Keeping the accounts is not a simple legal obligation. It is used above all in order to evaluate, process and analytically represent the economic, equity and financial situation of the company, with the aim of generating adequate information on the activity: elements of success and criticality of the Business. In order to face and manage the sudden changes in the competitive scenario, it is necessary to achieve 'integrated' compliance in the heterogeneous legislative, regulatory and procedural context that affects accounting, tax and legal obligations.

The periodic drafting of the accounting records is an indispensable administrative tool for the activity of any entrepreneur and for this reason article 2214 of the Italian Civil Code establishes its obligation.

Similarly, the VAT self-settlement activity and the annual communication of VAT data is an activity of particular importance: the value added tax (i.e. VAT) is applied on the added value of each phase of production, exchange of goods. and services, therefore it is important to manage the flow both incoming (Credit, when issuing the invoice), and outgoing (Debt, when paying the invoice) in order to communicate it correctly to the Revenue Agency through an authorized intermediary.

Our office, through the Due Diligence of experts and professionals, deals with the management of accounting and VAT of companies and individuals with great dedication, assisting its Customers in all the necessary formalities in the fiscal year.

Tax consultancy is a fundamental activity for both companies and private citizens. It gives an important aid in the management of relations with the State Financial Administration, local authorities and in tax obligations to entities, companies, businesses, individuals, with an eye on all aspects of taxation, both for direct taxes and for taxes. indirect. The globalization of business brings with it the need to also consider the transnational dimension of taxation, the correct management of which is therefore crucial for multinational companies operating in Italy, or for Italian companies seeking to expand abroad.

It is absolutely essential to contact an up-to-date professional able to ensure the best and most complete management of every aspect to reduce the tax burden in compliance with current legislation and to better guide the customer in the continuous evolution of the world of regulations on taxes and duties that go always correctly calculated and paid on the basis of turnover within the established deadlines.

Proper management of the tax variable is essential for the company as it significantly influences its strategies and choices. Based on the customer's needs and after an accurate assessment, possible scenarios are provided, trying to optimize the tax impact.

Principal activities are:

- Accounting advice and assistance
- General accounting management
- Fulfillments and requests at Public Offices
- Drafting of financial statements and any interim financial statements
- VAT self-settlement and annual communication of VAT data
- Tax return for individuals, legal entities, companies, ONLUS, non-commercial entities, for the UNICO, VAT and IRAP form, 730
- Preparation and sending / debiting of the F24 forms
- Withholding tax declaration, with form 770
- Cadastral tax payment and management of the relationship with the Cadastre (survey, map extract, transfer)
- Chamber of Commerce inquiries and certificates (ipocatastal investigation service and related real estate valuations) throughout the national territory through our databases
- Declarations by TASI and IMU
- Periodic VAT settlements
- Evaluation of final inventories in warehouses
- Opening of a VAT number based on the best and most appropriate tax regime
- Calculation of IRPEF, VAT, IRES and IRAP balances and advances
- Electronic Invoicing Management
- Tax by stamp
- Declaration of Succession
- Registration of loan agreements
- Registration of lease agreements and identification of the best applicable taxation (e.g. the dry coupon)
- Registration of company transfer contracts, company branches and / or shareholdings
- Registration of sale and purchase contracts
- Registration of coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts, agency, representation, etc.